If you have become completely unemployed, or have reduced your working hours by at least 50%, you can apply for unemployment benefits.
Daily allowance amounts to 62.4% of your previous income.
You may be entitled to apply if you have become completely unemployed, or if your working hours have been reduced by at least 50%. If it is your own fault that you are unemployed, there will be a waiting period of at least twelve weeks before benefits can be paid.
If you are an EEA citizen and have become unemployed in Norway without having earned this sufficient minimum income, you may still be entitled to receive this support on the basis of work in another EEA country.
When you have met the conditions and the daily allowance has been granted, there is a waiting period of 3 days before the benefit is paid. You must also report to NAV every 14 days, either electronically or using a position form; this includes confirming your status as a job seeker. Said benefits are paid in arrears every 14 days, once your job-seeking activity has been approved.
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